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Welcome to Alpha School Supplies DW...


Alpha School Supplies Information:

Alpha is an organization that buys and sells school supplies, books, teaching aids, games, furniture, etc. to school districts, teachers, educators, parents, and students. Alpha School Supplies sells supplies in all fifty states via brick and mortar store fronts and sells on the Web World Wide, with its e-commerce site.

Alpha is absolutely committed to variety and quality in its supplies, books, furniture, etc. They have a professional members panel, headed by nationally recognized authors, educators and industry consultants, that make sure their products are extraordinary and of the highest quality.

Alpha also supplies, via the web, a monthly newsletter which describes the companies featured supplies, and/or teaching aids. There's also great industry information in Alpha's newsletter and specific articles related to teaching aids and systems.

What is a Data Warehouse...

Alpha's Data Warehouse Project...

Alpha's Operational ERD...

Alpha's Operational Data Dictionary Report...

Alpha's MDM STAR Schema...

Alpha's Transformational Data...

Table and Data Creation Diagrams...

Alpha Data Warehouse Tables...

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Bob Betterton; 2001 - 2011.

This page was last updated on 04/15/2004
Copyright, RDB Prime Engineering

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