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Alpha School Supplies Project Page...


Alpha School Supplies Information:

Alpha is an organization that buys and sells school supplies, books, teaching aids, games, furniture, etc. to school districts, teachers, educators, parents, and students. Alpha School Supplies sells supplies in all fifty states via brick and mortar store fronts and sells on the Web World Wide, with its e-commerce site.
Alpha Lab Project:

At a minimum,

  • The team will develop a dimensional data model,
  • Translate the dimensional model into a dimensional data warehouse,
  • Populate the data warehouse with data and
  • Demonstrate a drill down,
  • Drill up, and
  • Pivot capability within the data warehouse.

Drill DOWN -- means nothing more then give more detail by, for instance, adding a row header (attribute) to an existing SQL request.

Drill UP -- if drilling down is adding row headers from the dimension tables, then drilling up is subtracing row headers (attributes) from the SQL requests. Of course, it is not necessary to subtract the row headers in the same order that they were added. In general, each time a user adds or subtracts a row header, a new multi-table join query must be launched.

Pivoting -- Pivoting is the basis of multidimensional analysis. The row-based "results set" that SQL generates almost always end up being presented in a format with one or more dimensions displayed across the top of the report and one or more down the side. The report title usually gives it away(e.g., monthly sales report by region, or monthly sales by sales rep by product.

A crosstab query, sometimes known as a pivot query, groups the data in a slightly different way from those we have seen with standard SQL queries. A crosstab query can be used to get a result with three rows (in this case one for each project shown below), with each row having three columns (the first listing the projects and then one column for each year) -- like this:

                      Project         2001          2002
                           ID          CHF           CHF
                          100       123.00        234.50
                          200       543.00        230.00
                          300       238.00        120.50


Let's say you want to show the top 3 salary earners in each department as columns. The query needs to return exactly 1 row per department and the row would have 4 columns. The DEPTNO, the name of the highest paid employee in the department, the name of the next highest paid, and so on. Using Oracle analytic functions this is almost easy, without analytic functions this would be virtually impossible.

                        SELECT DEPTNO,
                          MAX(DECODE(seq, 1, ENAME, null)) FIRST,
                          MAX(DECODE(seq, 2, ENAME, null)) SECOND,
                          MAX(DECODE(seq, 3, ENAME, null)) THIRD
                        FROM (SELECT DEPNO, ENAME, row_number()
                        OVER (PARTITION BY DEPTNO
                        ORDER BY SAL desc NULLS LAST) seq
                          FROM emp)
                          WHERE seq <= 3
                          GROUP BY DEPTNO


                        DEPTNO    FIRST       SECOND      THIRD
                        ------    -----       ------      -----
                            10    KING        CLARK       MILLER
                            20    SCOTT       FORD        JONES
                            30    BLAKE       ALLEN       TURNER

In order to receive the grade for the lab everyone must complete a group project. The objective of the project is to design a star schema data model, implement the model, and prepare a final report. Additional details of the requirement are documented in a separate posting. The final report is due at 11PM on Thursday, May 6, 2004.

The objective of the project is to develop a VERY SIMPLE data warehouse schema, which consists of one FACT table and four DIMENSION tables.

Group Project Requirements:

At the minimum, the final report should contain the following:




  • Write a problem statement and requirements for your data warehouse (DW), including analyses that the DW generates.


  • Project management. This section should document a project plan which includes work breakdown structure (WBS) that shows how your team completed the project. Identify roles and responsibilities of all team members. Use Microsoft Project or a tool of your choosing.
  • Requirement analysis. This section should include description of the data sources. Demonstrate how you analyzed the requirements documented in the introduction.
  • Data model. This section should include the logical modeling and physical modeling processes. The DW should have 4-6 dimensions and 1 fact table. You can use ERwin or a tool of your choosing. Identify the DDL scripts, and include them in the Appendix.
  • ETL. This section should include identification of the data sources, data map, and the methodology used to load the data. Identify and describe the DML, SQL*Loader scripts. Include the actual scripts in the Appendix.
  • Report analysis. This section should include all the report scenarios that demonstrate how your team met the requirements identified in the introduction. At least 4 scenarios should be done. Identify the SQL scripts, and include them in the Appendix.
  • Lesson learned. Include any problems and issues.



  • Document all the necessary DDL, DML, SQL*Loader, and queries scripts that support the report. Make sure that the order of the scripts is in proper sequence so that they will load without generating errors. For example, load the parent table before load the child table. We will execute the scripts to verify their accuracy. In an event that your scripts expand beyond 50 pages, you may choose to only list the descriptions of the scripts in the Appendix, and include the actual scripts in a separate zipped file.

Alpha School Supplies DW Home Page

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