Below is Alpha's ERD Operational System...
The above diagram can also help in determining how we want to put together a data
warehouse from the operational data.
Possible Attributes for the Sales Dimensions:
Location |
Anything that provides a description of the location. Example: Portland,
Store 101, South Region, NY, etc. |
Region, Area, State, City, Store, etc. |
Product |
Anything that provides a description of the product sold. For example,
hair care product, shampoo, Natural Essence brand, 5.5 oz bottle, blue
liquid, etc., or Wine Products, Wine, Bridlewood Winery Arabesque, 16 oz
bottle, red, etc. |
Product Type, Product ID, Wine ID, Name, Brand, Package, Presentation,
Color, Size, etc. |
Customer |
Anything that provides data about a customer information. For example,
customer name, address, city, state, country, customer years with club, etc. |
Name, Address, City, State, Club Member Years etc. |
Time |
Anything that provides a time frame for the sales fact. For example,
the year of 2001, the month of August, the data 8/15/2001, the time
3:24 p.m., etc. |
Year, quarter, month, week, day, time of day, etc. |
I have put this information into a ERD tool, that will give us the
MDM star schema, and Data Dictionary. The tool can also generate SQL.