Professor Sam Chaudhuri
Foundations of Information Technology
Course MSIT610 Section 9042
Safe As A House-Methods of Enhancing Security Using Information Technology
December 07, 2003
Robert D. Betterton, &
Mark Thomson
Security procedures have existed since the begining of recorded history.
With the relatively recent explosion in the capabilities of information
technology, the discipline provides unique opportunities to improve on
security. Current techniques where information technology is being used
to enhance security are surveyed in this paper. Biometrics, cryptography,
signal and emanation interception and jamming, frequency hopping, collection
management, and predictive systems are considered. The impact associated
with information-technology enabled or enhanced applications are
Security in its broadest sense is the sum of all measures used to prevent
an undesirable outcome. The undesirable outcome depends on the person using
the security measure, and may range from preventing an interception of a
message with sensitive information, to identifying an unauthorized person
in a secure facility, to using predictive techniques to guess where a
determined adversary will strike next-and prevent that strike.
Security measures can be broadly categorized as passive vs. active. Passive
security measures are put in place and used to "harden" targets or sites,
making them more difficult to monitor, attack, or disrupt with little or no
action on the part of the defending activity. Active security measures are
put in place to act or react and address a threat, and require constant
monitoring or actions to implement. Either active or passive security
measures are valid ways to address security threats and some types of
security measures fit into both categorizations.
An active measure, for instance, interception of a signal, is still
considered a security measure. Although it may appear that the active
measure is not "enhancing" security because it is not always in place and
requires initiation or management, it still enhances security because the
active measure allows a response prior to a security breach, and helps
prevent an undesirable outcome.
Traditional security measures are those measures, which existed before
the current IT revolution. These measures have relied largely on physical
structure, manual and labor-intensive systems, and are generally reactive
vs. passive approaches. Examples of traditional security measures
- Controlled access architecture
- Guards at access points
- Manual locks
- Security cameras, with manual review of what the cameras are monitoring
- Manual fingerprinting by law enforcement agencies
- Wiretapping or search warrants where suspicion exists
- Collection of intelligence by human agents
- Analysis of intelligence by human analysts
Information technology has dramatically increased the possible actions,
which can be taken to enhance security. Information technology is used
to do one of two things:
- Enhance traditional techniques, these are fields, which could be
done without IT, but would not be done as efficiently.
- Cryptography,
- Fingerprint identification,
- Security clearance management.
- Enable non-traditional techniques, fields that are either virtually
impossible without IT, or completely dependent on the existence
of IT.
- Signal hopping,
- Retinal identification,
- Predictive threat techniques.
Biometrics is the use of physical features of an individual as a means of
identification. (Schneier, 2001). Everybody uses biometrics in day to
day situations, recognizing someone's face in a crowd or voice on a phone
is a form of biometrics. Information technology enables more sophisticated
systems of identification based on biometrics to be created. Any unique
physical feature can be used as a system on which a biometric identification
system can be built if the technology currently exists to use that feature
to identify an individual. Some features are more easily discernable or
more unique.
For instance, a fingerprint is an excellent way of distinguishing an
individual. However, the height of an individual, while it could
theoretically be used as a biometric identification tool, would be of
limited use, too many people have exactly the same height, or so close as
to be undiscernable to an automated system. Interestingly, in identification
of human remains, dental records and intact dentition are considered a
more accurate method of identification than DNA sampling.
Almost all-biometric identification systems suffer from a problem with
"acceptability," or the willingness of the average person to submit to the
scans or intrusive actions required to make the system function properly.
According to Deborah Russell and G.T. Gangemi, "surveys indicate that in
order of effectiveness, biometric devices rank as follows, the most secure to
least secure, (Russell, Gangemi, 1991):
Retina pattern devices
Fingerprint devices
Handprint devices
Voice pattern devices
Keystroke pattern devices
Signature devices
In order of personal acceptance, the order is just the opposite:
Keystroke pattern devices
Signature devices
Voice pattern devices
Handprint devices
Fingerprint devices
Retina pattern devices
Specific features of each device are:
Retinal identification systems:
Each individual has a unique pattern of blood vessels in their eyes that
can be used as a means of identification. Retinal identification systems
"use an infrared beam to scan your retina, measuring the intensity of light
as it is reflected from different points." (Russell, Gangemi, 1991) The
different light intensities create a pattern that is used much as a
fingerprint, a unique form of identification.
Retinal scanning is highly accurate. According to the GAITS company
website, "The iris can have more than 250 distinct features... the
probability of two irises being alike is approximately 1 in 1078 (the
population of earth is approximately 1010)."
However, there is significant fear on some people's part of allowing
retinal identification systems to project light into their eye, which
limit their acceptability to the public. Some highly secure
installations, notably military sites, do use them.
Fingerprint identification systems:
Each individual has a pattern of features on the tips of their fingers
that uniquely identify that individual. Fingerprint recognition systems
scan fingerprints into computer using a glass plate and reflective light,
and then digitize the captured fingerprint and interprets whether it
matches the database of "trusted" fingerprints, allowing access.
Despite long-term use by law enforcement agencies, which transitioned from
a cumbersome manual system to an automated fingerprint database system
between the 1960s and 1990s, fingerprint pattern devices are still not
widely accepted. Possibly this is because of public association between
being fingerprinted and being apprehended.
Handprint recognition systems:
Handprint recognition systems operate on the unique measurements and
proportions of your hand. They have a similar methodology to fingerprint
devices in that they sample and quantize the hand's geometry and then
interpret whether it matches the "trusted" database.
However, handprint devices are subject to significantly more variation due
to swelling, injuries, dirt, or other variations on hand geometry that are
not significant degraders to fingerprint device performance.
Voiceprint recognition systems:
Voiceprint recognition systems work by recording unique characteristics
associated with a particular individual saying a specific phrase. The
phrase is then analyzed for its components, and allows access to the secure
area if the voiceprint is within a certain range of the recorded voiceprint.
They are subject to significant degradation of performance for conditions
affecting voices, such as laryngitis.
Keystroke recognition systems:
Keystroke recognition systems are relatively new. They analyze individual's
unique pattern of striking keys and the infinitesimal, but measurable, time
differences between how quickly individuals hit those keys.
Signature recognition systems:
Signature recognition systems are also relatively new. They analyze individual
signatures for either features found during the process of signing (speed of
signature, pressure, etc.) or features found in a finished signature, such
as specific geometries of the handwriting used to form certain letters.
Signature recognition has probably the highest public acceptance rate of all
widely used biometric technologies, since it requires an artifact (a signature)
that is constantly given in other situations and does not concern most people
to give.
Facial recognition systems:
Facial recognition systems are relatively new. They analyze individual faces
for unique characteristics (such as distances and ratios of significant
features) to create a unique template.
Facial recognition is not currently a highly accurate tool, although in
conjunction with other recognition systems can be a good secondary method of
identifying individuals. Since facial recognition is not intrusive, it can
be done by a video surveillance system. It has the strange characteristic of
both being highly accepted in some situations (due to the fact that intrusive
tests are not needed to identify the personnel) and being highly unaccepted
in some situations (for instance, civil libertarians are extremely concerned
about constant monitoring).
Biometric systems are being used and developed to create surveillance
systems, that provide for the public safety at many places. Examples are
airports, police stations, train stations, roads, access ways, etc. These
systems tend to use nonintrusive scanning, especially facial recognition,
to pick out suspicious people and activity, but other, more novel purposes
have been used. For example, a system exists to scan for people sized
objects at the bottom of a pool that have not moved for extended periods
of time or otherwise show signs of having problems. Obviously, since
lifeguards are fallible, this system helps them pinpoint possible problems,
supplementing human talents.
Cryptography refers to the science and practice of creating "secret" languages.
These languages are distortions of the true language. In that, nobody except
the initiator and, hopefully, the recipient can understand the message being
transmitted. In other words, a cryptographic system will "...disguise
confidential information in such a way that its meaning is unintelligible to
an unauthorized eavesdropper."
Cryptography translates a "plain text" message, something with meaning to an
unauthorized viewer, into something unintelligible to an unauthorized viewer.
It uses a "key," or a transformative tool, which acts on the plain text to
change it into something different, a cryptogram. The authorized viewer, the
intended receiver, will be able to use another key to transform the message
into a coherent result. (Piper, Murphy, 2002)
"Modern encryption algorithms tend to operate on bits rather than...letter
substations" (Piper, Murphy, 2002). Thus, an IT tool is indispensable for
creating a coded message in modern days. Only an IT tool could have the
processing power to operate on huge amounts of bits and return a usable
message, consistent with the cryptographic intent of creating an
unintelligible (to the outside user) message, in a reasonable period of
This is a rather new field in security systems, and is primarily theoretical
at this time, however, there have been some experimental systems built, early
1990s, with some systems going live this year. But, quantum cryptography
does remain an immature technology. Scientists have been working on the
concepts behind quantum cryptography for three decades. After a long journey
from chalkboard to lab to working prototype, the field is on the verge of a
Quantum theory remains as shocking today as it was when Bohr first proposed
the quantum theory for the atom early in the last century. The notion that
very small things, such as atoms and molecules, do not behave in the same
way as macroscopic matter was then, and remains today, nearly incomprehensible
to the human mind. We rely on experience and observation to develop our
intuition, and most of us have never observed the behavior of individual
atomic or subatomic particles.
But a few have explored the world of the very small. And among those few, a
handful of visionaries have been able to fathom ways to use the discontinuous
(quantum) behavior of these small particles to our advantage. Quantum
cryptography is one example of applying a deep understanding of quantum
physics to create a novel technology of potentially enormous significance.
Stephen Weisner introduced the ideas behind quantum cryptography, in a proposal
called "Conjugate Coding" from the early 1970s. His work was eventually
published in 1983 in Sigact News. In 1984 Bennett and Brassard, who were
familiar with Weisner's ideas, were ready to publish ideas of their own, and
they gave us "BB84", the first quantum key exchange protocol. In 1991 the
first experimental prototype based on the Bennett and Brassard protocol became
operable within a distance of 32 centimeters. Recently fiber optic cable
systems have been tested successfully within kilometer distances. (Wikipedia,
The Free Encyclopedia, 2003, and Business Week, 2003). This quantum fiber
optic cable system is showing promise for this new type of cryptography.
Quantum cryptographic systems take advantage of Heisenberg's uncertainty
principle, according to which measuring a quantum system in general disturbs
it and yields incomplete information about its state before the measurement.
Eavesdropping on a quantum communication channel therefore causes an
unavoidable disturbance, alerting the legitimate users. (Brassard, 1994)
Basic thoughts:
In its basic form a quantum cryptography system is where the sender and
receiver can tell if the key transmission has been intercepted due to the
quantum properties of the photons involved. This is because measuring a
photon will change its properties. Another thought is for the sender to
send a large number of photons of varying spin. The receiver then contacts
the sender on an insecure phone-line to say which photons arrived correctly,
as many will be lost. The photons received are then used to encrypt the
main message. Even if an eavesdropper knows which photons are being used
for the encryption they have no way of knowing which spin those photons
have, whether they represent a 0 or 1. With a long code, the number of
possible combinations of 0's and 1's would be impractical to test and so
the main message cannot be decrypted.
Thus, the advantage of quantum cryptography over traditional key exchange
methods is that the exchange of information can be shown to be secure in a
very strong sense, without making assumptions about the intractability of
certain mathematical problems. Even when assuming hypothetical eavesdroppers
with unlimited computing power, the laws of physics guarantee
(probabilistically) that the secret key exchange will be secure, given a
few other assumptions. (Ford, 2003).
The protocol, an example:
The general protocol for agreeing on a secret key, as described by Bennett
et al [1991]. Furthermore, see (Henle WWW, BB84 Demo, 2003) for an online
demonstration, uses polarization of photons as its units of information.
Polarization can be measured using three different bases, which are
conjugates: rectilinear (horizontal or vertical), circular (left-circular
or right-circular), and diagonal (45 or 135 degrees). Only the rectilinear
and circular bases are used in the protocol (Ford, 2003).
Alice wants to send a message to Bob. They both have devices that can generate
pulses of light in any of the different polarization's, and also devices that
detect the polarization of light:
- The light source, often a light-emitting diode (LED) or laser, is filtered
to produce a polarized beam in short bursts with a very low intensity. The
polarization in each burst is then modulated randomly to one of four states
(horizontal, vertical, left-circular, or right-circular) by the sender,
- The receiver, Bob, measures photon polarization's in a random sequence of
bases (rectilinear or circular).
- Bob tells the sender publicly what sequence of bases were used.
- Alice tells the receiver publicly which bases were correctly
- Alice and Bob discard all observations not from these correctly chosen
- The observations are interpreted using a binary scheme: left-circular or
horizontal is 0, and right-circular or vertical is 1.
This protocol is complicated by the presence of noise, which may occur
randomly or may be introduced by eavesdropping. When noise exists,
polarization's observed by the receiver may not correspond to those emitted
by the sender. In order to deal with this possibility, Alice and Bob must
ensure that they possess the same string of bits, removing any
discrepancies. This is generally done using a binary search with parity
checks to isolate differences; by discarding the last bit with each check,
the public discussion of the parity is rendered harmless. In the Bennett
et al. [1991] protocol, this process is:
- The sender, Alice, and the receiver, Bob, agree on a random permutation
of bit positions in their strings (to randomize the location of
- The strings are partitioned into blocks of size k (k ideally chosen so
that the probability of multiple errors per block is small).
- For each block, Alice and Bob compute and publicly announce parities.
The last bit of each block is then discarded.
- For each block for which their calculated parities are different, Alice
and Bob use a binary search with log(k) iterations to locate and correct
the error in the block.
- To account for multiple errors that might remain undetected, steps 1-4
are repeated with increasing block sizes in an attempt to eliminate these
- To determine whether additional errors remain, Alice and Bob repeat a
randomized check:
- Alice and Bob agree publicly on a random assortment of half the
bit positions in their bit strings.
- Alice and Bob publicly compare parities (and discard a bit). If
the strings differ, the parities will disagree with probability
- If there is disagreement, Alice and Bob use a binary search to
find and eliminate it, as above.
- If there is no disagreement after l iterations, Alice and Bob conclude
their strings agree with low probability of error (2-l)
Early Years (1990s) --
At least three experimental apparatuses have been built for implementing
quantum key distribution, in addition to the original 32 centimeter
implementation shown by Bennett, Bessette, Brassard, Salvail, and Smolin.
A prototype built in Geneva follows the original protocol of Bennet: it
uses four different polarization states (see the example above) to carry
the quantum information over more than one kilometer of optical fiber
(Muller, Breguet, and Gisin, 1993). Another prototype built independently
by British Telecom in association with the Defense Research Agency works
by phase modulation over a distance of 10 kilometers of fiber; it is
described in a sequence of two papers, (Townsend, Rarity, and Tapster, 1993).
Yet another experimental demonstration was done that used the
Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen entangled pairs sent over kilometers of fiber
(Rarity, Owens, and Tapster, 1994).
Today (2003) --
A Swiss firm, ID Quantique, introduced the first commercial quantum
cryptography products last summer. Sometime this summer, MagiQ Technologies
in New York City is expected to unveil its Navajo quantum cryptographic
system. Several communications companies are currently testing Navajo on
their networks, and researchers in the field say the U.S. government could
already be using quantum cryptography to secure communications.
(Salkever, 2003)
The US Defense Dept. is funding numerous quantum cryptography experiments as
part of its $20.6 million quantum information initiative at the Defense
Advance Research Projects Agency (DARPA). MagiQ estimates that the market for
quantum cryptography will hit $200 million within the next few years. It
sells its quantum cryptography units for $50,000 apiece. (Salkever, 2003)
BBN, is building a test network funded by DARPA that will allow multiple
parties to tap into a fiber-optic cable loop secured by quantum cryptography.
Under the DARPA sponsorship and together with our academic colleagues,
Harvard University and Boston University, BBN Technologies is building the
world's first Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) network. "Rather than having
one link protected by quantum cryptography, we imagined a big service where
everyone could connect to everybody else," explains Chip Elliott, of Cambridge
(Mass.) labs of Verizon (VZ) subsidiary BBN Corp.
Like all systems, quantum cryptography isn't the only system without problems.
The bursts of single photons move too slowly to be an effective means of
real-time data exchange. Once errors are factored in, most quantum encryption
systems move data at a rate of 1,000 bits per second or less. This is
1/10,000 the transmission speed of today's fastest systems.
The solution for this is BBN's Quantum Network which will be optical-based
and built with new, very fast (femtosecond) entangled photon sources and
novel network protocols that marry QKD (Quantum Key Distribution) with
classic cryptography. As a result, the expectation is a network that can
distribute keying material securely at speeds of up to millions of bits per
second, which will offer orders of magnitude improvement over the current
point-to-point speeds of a few thousand bits per second. Thus, with a key
distributed via quantum cryptography would be all but impossible to steal.
If a bank pairs a quantum cryptography system with a classical encryption
system, then the quantum unit can be automated to pass fresh, secret keys
from the sender to the receiver with assurance that no one has read those
keys. It can do so as often as several times a second without slowing the
data transmission. Since the key exchange is automated with quantum crypto,
it's also much easier to work with than existing key-exchange mechanisms,
which require more human intervention.
Final thoughts:
The computer world just might be witnessing a new and intriguing phase in
the history of cybersecurity. While the concept and execution of quantum
cryptography remain complex, apparently the technology, even it is immature
state, is ready for prime time.
Signals from one piece of electronic equipment to another can take many
forms. Some of the more common types include radio signals, e-mail, and
Internet traffic. Security measures dealing with signal interception are
concerned with either interception of a signal, or prevention of that
Traditional signal interception means getting a firm intercept of a
transmission. Usually this applies to radio communications, and usually
it means discovering the frequency the transmission is being sent on and
covertly recording the transmission. The content of the message may be
unintelligible (such as a foreign language or a transmission using key
words,) but if the receiver can record the transmission or understand
the words being used, valuable data will potentially have been given away.
Information technology has enhanced signal interception by allowing
extremely rapid scanning of numerous channels without human input into the
scanning process. An automated tool performs the scanning and uses
algorithms to determine which channels are "interesting," and should be
forwarded to a human operator for a more detailed analysis.
Traffic analysis goes along with signal interception. Traffic analysis
refers to the continual analysis of patterns of messages, rather than the
messages themselves. Patterns such as, which frequency transmitted when,
how many times, the apparent information content of those transmissions,
what communications happen after a certain kind of transmission is received,
and so forth can often reveal a significant amount of information that an
intercept of an encoded channel cannot. Information technology allows
rapid or simultaneous scanning of multiple channels and aggregation of
the "interesting" channels for further analysis by either an information
system or a human operator. (Schneier, 2001)
Frequency hopping is a technology, which is designed to defend against
signal interception and traffic analysis. Frequency hopping is a system
where multiple "hops," or changes of frequency are made each second. This
prevents an opponent's interception of a channel or communication by a
simple scanning or traffic analysis tool. Essentially, frequency hopping
is based on a "key," which informs the sending and receiving stations what
frequency to start at, how often to hop, and which frequency to hop to
As an example:
Second 1 |
Second 2 |
Second 3 |
Second 4 |
Freq. 0.083 |
Freq. 9.247 |
Freq. 5.437 |
Freq. 1.219 |
A transmitter and receiver use this simple, four frequency sequence and
only change frequencies every second (real frequency hopping transmission
devices change many times per second).
Even if an interceptor with automated equipment tried to get a fix on the
signal say, starting at 0.001 and going up .001 every second, they would
only catch at most .17 seconds of first second of the transmission. By
the time the enemy system realized it was on a valid, "interesting"
channel, the frequency "hops" to the second frequency. Frequency hopping
happens so rapidly that even this much interception is unlikely to
happen, frustrating efforts to intercept the signal or perform traffic
analysis-even if an un-encoded transmission is sent over the
frequency-hopping channel.
Signals, which are not receptive to traditional interception techniques,
are the basic tools of the information age-e-mail, telephones, the
Internet, and so forth. In order to respond to the possibility of an
undesirable outcome originating with use of these tools, national
intelligence agencies have created various programs to monitor these
tools, intercept suspicious traffic, and provide tools to allow a
response. Two current tools, which can demonstrate these systems,
attempts to use the basic tools of information technology to create
systems to monitor e-mail and Internet traffic for suspicious activity.
CARNIVORE is run by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation and
is essentially an e-mail sniffer. It monitors e-mail traffic and zeroes
in on words of interest, such as (presumably) "jihad," "bomb," "hijack,"
and so forth. According to the What You Need to Know About Networking
website, "Carnivore does not work like a single-phone line wiretap; it
must be installed on the public Internet where it filters through many
otherwise uninvolved people's data to get to the subject(s) of interest."
CARNIVORE has to be installed at a central location on a network where
numerous messages are routed-such as at a large ISP. Once installed,
it acts much as a wiretap on an individual's phone line would, except
it accesses numerous messages to get at the individuals-and messages-the
current search is interested in. However, the FBI claims that CARNIVORE
only zeros in on packets which are from, or to, its intended wiretap
candidate, and is not a wholesale e-mail filtering system.
Famously, Earthlink has allowed CARNIVORE to be used at one of its data
centers. The FBI, however, has fairly strict rules on privacy and
wiretapping and is theoretically somewhat constrained in indiscriminate
ECHELON is a multinational program, run by the intelligence
agencies of the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and New
Zealand. The US's secretive National Security Agency (NSA) is the leader
of this program. ECHELON intercepts a huge amount-the exact amount is
unknown, but up to 3 billion a day have been estimated-communications
every day, of all modern types-e-mail, telephone calls, Internet downloads,
satellite transmissions, and so forth. "The system gathers all of these
transmissions indiscriminately, then sorts and distills the information
through artificial intelligence programs." (Schneier, 2001). The
major difficulty in this kind of system is the sheer volume of
interception-if the analysis program fails to pick up on a message as
threatening, further investigation by a human is probably not going to
happen. The stunning 2001 terrorist attacks in New York City proved that
no matter how much raw intelligence one gathers, such as with ECHELON,
an enemy may, through purposeful action or sheer luck, evade detection.
A security clearance is an indication that an individual's background,
character, and actions have been checked and that they are now "cleared,"
or authorized to view, handle, store, or otherwise be responsible for
sensitive information. With a clearance, an individual can enter secure
areas, use classified information (up to the level of their classification),
and perform effectively in their job. However, if they cannot gain a
clearance, the individual cannot enter some areas, use some classifications
of information, and is not an asset to some types of organizations and
has to move to other types of work. This program has been in existence
for some time. Prior to the explosive growth of information technology,
management of the sheer volume of required clearances was difficult.
Each individual requiring a clearance had to have some form of
investigation performed, an adjudication (a judgement on that individual's
trustworthiness) performed, and a clearance granted. When hundreds of
thousands of people enlisted or entered government service each year or
many individuals came up for periodic reinvestigation, in many cases an
individual's clearance was delayed, especially if there was a backlog of
investigative resources, as they usually are.
Information technology significantly enhances management of this enormously
complex program. By using basic information technology tools, tracking of
personnel requiring clearances, their security status, and the state of the
investigations pertaining to them was greatly improved. Tools used to help
this program were:
- Initiation and tracking of databases - to track security candidates
and the status of their investigations,
- Automated checks of databases - to do low-level checks for possible
security problems such as arrests, bounced checks, or enrollment in
psychological or medical counseling (counseling checks are subject to
rules on what is accessible to these levels of investigations). Some
low level clearances, particularly confidential clearances, rely
entirely on automated checks of existing records for "flags" to tell
an adjudicator that an investigative agent needs to look at an
individual or situation more closely.
- Automated forms, which were a major source of frustration for
Predicting where a threat will occur, and removing the threat or neutralizing
the danger are worth more than any reactive system ever could be. Systems are
being developed to take advantage of Information Technology and potential
predictive techniques in order to identify threats before they occur.
Systems can generally be characterized by one of two methods, machine based
and human based:
- Machine based, requiring little human intervention. An example of this
would be the US government's attempt to build a system called the "Total
Information Awareness Program" (TIPS for short), which would use data
mining techniques to bring together numerous individual transactions
and pieces of data. The hope was that unforeseen connections between
known terrorists might emerge-for instance, they tend to have accounts
at Chase Manhattan, come from Botswana, and construct bombs from
fertilizer. By using this kind of seemingly unrelated information,
generated by day to day transactions, the system could flag an individual
with an account at Chase Manhattan, naturalized from Botswana, who
recently bought 100 pounds of fertilizer, alerting law enforcement
agencies to investigate his current actions.
The problem with TIPS is that it raised specters of George Orwell's 1984,
with Big Brother watching all citizens. Many people worldwide value
privacy over safety, especially if they are unconvinced that the
system really would be used to increase safety, and not necessarily
as another "tool" in law enforcement, even in the absence of
corroborating evidence.
- Human based, requiring active human input but still requiring IT to
implement. The best example of a failed system in this category is the
US government's recent attempt to build a "terrorist futures" market,
where interested parties could buy and sell options on where and what
terrorist attacks would take place. This system was designed around
the concept that any given individual could be wrong in a given
situation, but in the aggregate, well-informed people with a profit
motive would more accurately predict terrorist attacks. This is the
same profit motive and aggregate mentality that currently drives the
stock market (the invisible hand), but the apparent ghoulishness of
making profits out of predicting death and suffering meant this system
was doomed before it was ever fully implemented.
The concept remains the same for any predictive technique-use IT to bring
together numerous interested people to make decisions or guesses, and give
them something they want in return-such as money or recognition.
Information technology has opened huge areas of opportunity to improve
security systems. Dozens of existing systems are available to help react to
unforeseen security incidents, and prevent them in the future. While civil
liberties are a potential casualty of the use of these systems, progress in
this area is unavoidable, especially as new technologies are developed.
Close attention to these technologies will assist any reader in knowing
exactly what systems are available to enhance their security.
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- Brassard, G. and Salvail, L., "Secret-key reconciliation by public discussion",
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- Frequency Hopping, Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 2003
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- GAITS website (biometrics),
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- Piper F., Murphy S., Cryptography: A Very Short Introduction, 2002, pp. 7-10, 60,
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- Russell D., Gangemi G. T. Sr., Computer Security Basics, 1991, pp. 248, 250,
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