Use this panel in the WebSTAR Admin Mail Settings section to create and administer email accounts. Each user name is a unique log-in name associated with an email address, and is used when the mail client gets POP or IMAP messages.
The account list at the top shows each account and their settings. This list will be updated when you click the Save button to send the new information to the server.
The Account ID is the unique user name for each account on this mail server: it is not the same as the email address. When a user sets up their email client, there is always a field for user or account name, so they can log in.
As with email addresses, you cannot use any spaces or diacritical characters in the account name. You should also avoid punctuation, although you can use plus (+) if necessary.
This is the password for the user to log into the server. For security, follow the standard password rules (for more information, see Safe Passwords ). If no password is entered, the user will not be able to log in to the account.
Users cannot change this password remotely, so make sure that your passwords are long enough to be safe but short enough to be memorable.
This is the public email address which will send and receive Internet email messages, so it's in the form name@host.tld (name, @, then the mail server host name, domain and top-level domain type). It can be the same as the user name or different.
For tips on how to organize email addresses in your company, see Account Tips and Examples .
You can only have one email address with the same name on the same mail server host. If you have one mail server host name, you must create unique names for each user. For example, there can only be one "", even if five Davids work for the company at the same time, so each one must include a differentiating factor, such as a last name.
If you have several email hosts, you can have the same email name on each one, because the host names are different. You can have four email addresses which are simply "joe" as long as they are on different hosts and have unique user names:
This popup menu lets you choose which mail host name goes with this email address. All the host and domain names you have entered in Mail Hosts will be available here.
The default is any , meaning that this is account should get email coming to any of the mail hosts defined in this WebSTAR Mail server. For example, the Postmaster account can use this feature to get messages sent to the Postmaster account of all hosts on this mail server.
This field allows you to override the message limit in Mail Defaults for this particular user. The default for this is 0 (which means "use the default value"), and the range is from 0 to 999999.
You can create accounts that simply forward messages on to another email account, without allowing login access. For example, if a person changes their name, they may want to change their primary email address, while still getting messages sent to their old address.
A forwarding account is like an alias: it just forwards and does not allow a user to log in and read mail.
The forward-to field must include a full email address, such as .
When the message is forwarded, it is not retained in this account, so if you log in, there will be no mail for this account. The log entry shows the forward information, but not the original account, so a message forwarded to another server would look like this:
These forwarded messages are not changed in any way. Unlike messages from mail clients, these messages do not have quote indicators such as brackets (>) on the left side.
SMTP In: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 20:49:57 -0700 connect from
SMTP In: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 20:49:57 -0700 (Received mail from: to:
SMTP Out: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 20:49:57 -0700 ID=1 SMTP relay. Outgoing message queued To: From:
SMTP In: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 20:49:58 -0700 disconnect from []![]()
The Forward To address can be a set of email addresses or refer to a disk file with email addresses. This allows you to make the address into a distribution list.
To enter the addresses in this field, just type them one after another, with commas between them:,,
You can only type 255 characters in this field, and the field itself is very small, so a text file of addresses is better in most cases (see Addresses From a File ).
You can also use a text file to set up address lists. This file must be in the WebSTAR Mail Data folder (in the Plug-Ins folder). To specify a file name, type a colon and the file name, like this:
The file must be a plain text file with addresses with commas between them, or one email address on each line:![]()
This field allows you to override the message limit in Mail Defaults for this particular user.
The default for this is 0 (which means "use the default value"). The range is from 0 , and the range is from 0 to 999999.
This field lets you override the setting for authentication for POP client login for this particular user. See Require APOP Authentication for details.
The Internet Mail Access Protocol (IMAP) allows users to read their mail on the server, rather than downloading it and reading it on their personal computer. The default location for IMAP mail is in a standard "Inbox". These options specify whether users can create other mailboxes, so they can manage their mail on the server more effectively.
To take advantage of the IMAP features, users must have an IMAP-capable email client.
Allows this user to create additional mailboxes on the server using their IMAP client application.
When users can create mailboxes on the server, they tend to leave messages there, which can fill up your server very quickly. Be sure to watch your server disk space to make sure you have room for your Mail Data file, and a swap file for backups.
Allows this user to delete their server mailboxes using their IMAP client application.
Allows this user to rename their server mailboxes using their IMAP client application.