Version 3.1
Reference Guide

Adjusting Internal Settings

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This section is for advanced users whose system exceeds the limitations imposed by NetCloak on back-end CGI response time-outs or the maximum number of counters available; and who have experience using a resource editor. In the vast majority of cases, you will never need these instructions.

NetCloak stores the default values for two operational parameters inside 'MaxP' resources in the resource fork of the ACGI and the plug-in. Refer to the table below for details on how NetCloak uses these resources.

If you need to edit these resources, please take the usual precautions when using a resource editor like ResEdit: always make a duplicate copy of the file to be edited, edit the copy of the file, save it and test your changes before throwing away the original and renaming the copy.












CGI Time-out





back-end CGI time-out, in ticks (60 ticks = 1 second).


Max Counters





Determines size of counter database.

You might need to change the CGI Time-out value if you have set up back-end CGIs or use EXEC_CGI commands, and your users often see the message "NetCloak Error: The back-end CGI did not respond to the request from NetCloak" returned to the browser. This might mean that the CGI is taking longer to return its results than NetCloak expects.

If you find that you need more than 512 counters, you can increase the Max Counters value in 'MaxP' resource ID 203. Or if you are sure you will never need that many counters, and you want to conserve memory, you can decrease this value.

When you change the Max Counters value, you should also change the memory requirements of the web server application (if using the plug-in) or the ACGI using the Finder's Get Info command. For each counter you add/remove, you should increase/decrease the memory requirements by 40 bytes. For example, if you want to increase from 512 to 1024 counters, you should increase the memory requirements by 40 x 512 = 20480 bytes = 21K.

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