We will begin with INSERT commands because they are the simplest NetCloak commands to learn. These are the easiest way to get started using NetCloak on your site.
All NetCloak commands begin with an opening angle bracket ("<"), just like HTML tags. Commands are closed with a closing angle bracket (">"). The NetCloak command name always immediately follows the opening bracket. Command names are not case sensitive, but are generally written in all uppercase by convention to make them easier to recognize in HTML pages.
For example, to add the current time and date to your page, use this line:
The NetCloak command is what you will put into the HTML source of the page. When the page is served, NetCloak will process the page and replace the command with the current date. Note that this happens entirely on the server- the NetCloak command is never sent, and the browser only receives text and standard HTML tags.
NetCloak INSERT commands all display or insert a piece of information from the server into the page in place of the command. For example, the sample above will appear in a user's web browser like this:
It is 09:57 on 01/31/2025.
Similar commands allow you to dynamically display the time, counters, the user's name and other information about the client, page or server.
Many NetCloak commands have required or optional additional parameters. In other words, additional settings that specify differences in how the information displayed by the INSERT command should be shown. Parameters must be specified in order, according to the command description in the User's Guide, and are separated by one or more spaces.
For example, the <INSERT_DATE> command offers two optional parameters, one for a time offset and one for the desired format. The offset allows you to specify a number of hours difference between the actual date and what is displayed. The format parameter allows you to override the default display format and display the date as either a short date or long date. For example, to show tomorrow's date as a short format, you would write:
On a web page, users will see this: 02/01/2025
What is noteworthy now is that parameters can be added after the command name, are separated by spaces, and are inside the angle brackets around the command. Parameters for each command are something you will learn later as you start using more NetCloak commands. The details about how particular parameters work is detailed in the Commands section of the Reference Guide.