You can let people upload files via their browser to your site, either within a directory index listing or by creating an HTML form to specify the file and start the upload.
If you're using it with WebSTAR Directory Indexer Plug-In, the File Upload option adds fields and buttons to the listing page automatically. For more information, see WebSTAR Directory Indexer ).
WebSTAR File Upload uses the HTTP Upload function of certain browsers. If you want to be compatible with other browsers, you can use the FTP Server, included with WebSTAR. For more information, see WebSTAR FTP Server .
Although many file systems allow very long file names, you can only upload files with names up to 29 characters long. If people try to upload files with longer names, you'll see a log error
File Upload: Could not create upload file.
WebSTAR does not install the WebSTAR File Uploader Plug-In by default. Use the WebSTAR Server Suite Installer to install it. It does not require any additional RAM.
The File Upload Plug-In will always allow uploading if there is a file named .upload in a folder, and an appropriate HTML form.
To use the WebSTAR File Upload Plug-In, you must create a .upload file in each folder that will be display a listing. It's just a text file, named with a period followed by the word "upload":
Here is the form part of the WebSTAR File Upload Example in the Examples folder in the WebSTAR folder:
<FORM ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" ACTION="/folder/x.upload" METHOD=POST>
Use the Browse button to select a file.<P>
File: <INPUT NAME="remotefile" TYPE="file"><P>
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Send This File">
<INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="Reset">
The form Action is / folder/x.upload : you should replace the /folder/ part with the path to your upload folder name. This tells the browser to send an upload message to the server with the file you've selected or typed.
If you're using file uploads with WebSTAR Directory Indexer, make sure you enable the File Upload Option . It will look much like the example on Example with Small Icons, Short Date, No Tables, Upload, etc. .
The WebSTAR File Upload Administration page allows you to specify whether people can upload files and replace other files with the same name.
To change settings on the WebSTAR File Upload Plug-In, use your browser to open the administration page, and choose the File Upload Plug-In at the URL like this:
(replacing the name with your host name). If you choose to change the option, be sure to Save the change.
The default is Overwrite files having the same name . If you choose Don't overwrite files with the same name , and someone tries to upload a duplicate file, they will see this error message:
This file already exists, overwrite permission was denied.